Through art, I’ve been able to find something inside myself that changed my life.
Growing up, I often felt alone. In school, I was struggling with the challenges of dyslexia. I desperately wanted to find a place in life where I didn’t feel inferior.
For years, I bottled up my feelings. Then I realized they could be a source of inspiration. I began creating images of personal struggle and intimate emotion.
What was hidden for so long became voiced and heard. For the first time, I felt truly seen. I took my weakness and made it my strength.
Along the way, I’ve discovered we all share these feelings.
At best, I hope my work continues to be both contemporary and timeless. If there is a theme, it is personal struggle. This struggle is universal, but unique to each of us.
Jesse Lane (b.1990) is quickly becoming one of the world’s leading colored-pencil artists.
His provocative portraits have won many national and international honors, including the world's top award for colored pencil.
Jesse's drawings have been featured in numerous prominent art magazines and publications.
He is represented by RJD Gallery in Romeo, MI.
Jesse is a signature member of the Colored Pencil Society of America and a member of the Portrait Society of America and the International Guild of Realism.
He works at his home studio in The Woodlands, Texas, alongside his talented artist wife, Kinsey.
Jesse teaches workshops nationwide and online.

I love Colored Pencil.
Colored Pencil lends itself to precision, control and realism.
It's a medium gaining recognition as it's redefined in the hands of hyper-realists.
My goal is to advance Colored Pencil in the world of Fine Art.
My work has appeared on the cover of The Artist's Magazine with the caption, "Colored Pencil Cracks the Fine Art Ceiling."
It's also been featured on the cover of International Artist, illustrating Colored Pencil can be as rich and nuanced as any other medium.
I hope my artwork exposes you to something new, and you can enjoy a slightly-new perception of art and Colored Pencil.